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Title: Diagnosis of Toddler Digestion Disorder using Forward Chaining Method
Authors: Dr. B. Herawan, Hayadi
Keywords: Expert System; Toddler Digestive Disorders; Forward Chaining
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Expert system refers to a system that is trying to adopt human knowledge into a computer. Expert system contains certain knowledge so that everyone can use it to solve specific problems. The expert system by utilizing the forward chaining method starts from selecting the initial symptoms to find information in accordance with the rules of the rule. This study aimed to build an expert system application to diagnose gastrointestinal disorders of toddlers using forward chaining method. Application is designed using UML and built with Java programming language and MySQL as the database. The results of this study are implemented at Clinic Pratama Hesti, Bengkulu
Description: Food is a basic need for every human being. There are many variants of the food supplied for consumption. However, most are not aware of the composition of it such that it can be bad for the organs and the digestive system, especially for Toddlers. Even sometimes food seems indiscriminate. Lack of parent knowledge in digestive health issues sometime makes toddler consume foods that do not fit to the needs of the digestive system. As well as the lack of appropriate food make toddler get in to disorder of digestion, This research was conducted at the Clinic Pratama Hesti by guidance of dr.Pajar, SpA. This Clinic is a place of public health services. By implementing the Expert System in PreDiagnostic will simplify the diagnosis and minimize the time required by the doctor.
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