Browsing by Author Bob Subhan, Riza

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-10-03Bacilli Detection System in Tuberculosis Extra Pulmonary using Image SegmentationBob Subhan, Riza
2022-05-13Comparison of K-Means Clustering and Otsu Thresholding Methods in the Detection of Tuberculosis Extra Pulmonary Bacilli in the HSV Color SpaceBob Subhan, Riza
2023-01-07Convolutional Neural Network as an Image Processing Technique for Classification of Bacilli TuberculosisBob Subhan, Riza
2022-08-29Convolutional Neural Network as an Image Processing Technique for Classification of Bacilli Tuberculosis Extra Pulmonary (TBEP) DiseaseBob Subhan, Riza
2020-05-11Development of video-based emotion recognition using deep learning with Google ColabBob Subhan, Riza
2023-01-07Development of video-based emotion recognition using deep learning with Google ColabBob Subhan, Riza
2020Digitalization of Smart Student Assessment Quality in Era 4.0Bob Subhan, Riza
2023-01-07Digitalization of Smart Student Assessment Quality in Era 4.0Bob Subhan, Riza
2022-07-01Implementasi Metode Moora Dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Sepatu Sport Terbaik (Study Kasus : Toko Gajah Mada Fun Shop)Bob Subhan, Riza
2023-01-07Improvement of Hybrid Image Enhancement for Detection and Classification of Malaria Disease Types and StagesBob Subhan, Riza
2022-05-27Improvement of Hybrid Image Enhancement for Detection and Classification of Malaria Disease Types and Stages with Artificial IntelligenceBob Subhan, Riza
2023Improvement of Hybrid Image Enhancement for Detection and Classification of Malaria Disease Types and Stages with Artificial IntelligenceBob Subhan, Riza
2020-02-14International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and EngineeringBob Subhan, Riza
2023Korespondensi Jurnal InternaQ3_Proses submit paper ke TEM Journal (Q3)Bob Subhan, Riza
2023Korespondensi Prosiding InternasionalBob Subhan, Riza
2022-09-23Modeling of Decision Support System as an Assistant Tool in Selecting Health Equipment Suppliers with TOPSIS MethodBob Subhan, Riza
2023-01-07Modeling_of_Decision_Support_ System_as_an_Assistant_Tool_i n_Selecting_Health_Equipment_ Suppliers_with_TOPSIS_MethodBob Subhan, Riza
2023-01-07On the review of image and video-based depression detection using machine learningBob Subhan, Riza
2020-03-24On the review of image and video-based depression detection using machine learningBob Subhan, Riza
2020-07-19On the review of image and video-based depression detection using machine learningBob Subhan, Riza